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Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc

Byron Amazonas
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Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc - Page 2 Empty Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc

Post by l_l_l Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:28 am

First topic message reminder :

Hi there!

I'm presently shopping for a canister filter and am wondering if the flow rate can be reduced to accomodate my fish (they all prefer low flow)..
I'm also wondering how silent they are and how efficient they are compared to HOB filters.

Currently my HOB filter blows all the fish out of one side of the tank so the fish are all on one side of it..

I'm also wondering how much GPH I should be looking at for a 46gallon tank?
My tank is planted as well, not sure if this makes a difference?

Keep in mind, my fish don't really like current, I have Rummynose Tetras, CPD and Endlers in there.
I've seen them struggle a bit in the strong current that my AC 70 creates (It's modified with an AC50 impeller so less flow rate already!)

All input is welcomed!

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Join date : 2014-03-08
Location : Montreal, QC


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Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc - Page 2 Empty Re: Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc

Post by GaryE Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:40 pm

It is really fun (for a nerd like me) to watch wild fish, in the tropics or not, face into a current. A shoal will maintain position, with individuals breaking off from the group as they detect food coming. They then resume their position, waiting.

Some predatory fish position themselves face to the current in front of narrow passages between rocks, for even better channeling of food. They can be ferocious about not sharing space.

In tanks, they tend to behave differently as they learn food comes in big quantities all at once.

This applies to aerodynamic fish, like endler's. When fish like guppies are linebred for enormous tails, the current becomes their worst nightmare as we cause them to have too much drag to survive in it. With long finned anything, you have to dial down the flow. But for naturally shaped fish that look fast, flow is wonderful.

As always, you have to see where species come from. Never underestimate how much water moves - even what we see as a slow meandering stream can be very dynamic if you look closely and look for current.
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Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc - Page 2 Empty Re: Canister filter Flow rate, GPH, etc

Post by l_l_l Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:35 pm

It's a good thing I don't have the fancy tail guppies then. (Always found they were really weird.)

It's only the gravid females that were struggling in the current, now they all seem really fine.

Now I'm messing with all the space I have available, trying to find the best and cheapest mechanical filtration possible ..

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Location : Montreal, QC


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