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Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Ursinos Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:11 pm

I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out what the real benefit of a canister filter is over a HOB. in all my limited aquarium experience, I've only ever used HOB, or those cheapo filters that came with kids aquarium kids 20 years ago (you know the ones, the clear plastic cube with the charcoal and filter floss that was driven via air pump).

Can anyone explain to me the pros/cons of one over the other?


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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by ksimdjembe Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:31 pm

I think there are pros and cons to many types of filtration.
I love the simplicity of the HOB. As long as the water is kept high enough, they rarely fail, and require little attention. Rinse the sponge every so often.
Some love the uses of a canister filter, as it often allows for you to pack it with whatever media you like, in a large volume. They can be run for a long time, with little worry of failure, and require cleaning or upkeep less often than a HOB.
I'd add the effectiveness of the little air driven filters, either sponge or box (which I think you are refereeing to.) I love them. But I use them in a small fish room, where I keep smaller tanks that don't require heavy water movement or heavy filtration.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Suprd71 Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:21 pm

Quite simple really. A canister filters specialty so to speak is biological filtration. The large amount of bio media they hold is where your beneficial bacteria colony lives. The hob, while having some bio capabilities, excels at mechanical filtration. Removal of waste, debris, general aquarium dirt. For the fish I keep, large cichlids in large tanks, I use a combo of both.
Angel Fish
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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Ursinos Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:40 pm

Suprd71 wrote:Quite simple really. A canister filters specialty so to speak is biological filtration. The large amount of bio media they hold is where your beneficial bacteria colony lives. The hob, while having some bio capabilities, excels at mechanical filtration. Removal of waste, debris, general aquarium dirt. For the fish I keep, large cichlids in large tanks, I use a combo of both.

That explanation helps a LOT, thanks!


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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Biulu Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:18 pm

I am canister or sponge filter only for the simple reason that I have had a HOB causing a flood and the fact that they hardly ever start up by themselves after a power outage.

I use canister for larger tanks and where I need stronger flow and sponges for smaller (breeding) tanks where I want less flow.

Mechanical filtering is also less important for me as all my tanks are planted and have a substrate.

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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Ursinos Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:39 pm

Biulu wrote:I am canister or sponge filter only for the simple reason that I have had a HOB causing a flood and the fact that they hardly ever start up by themselves after a power outage.

I use canister for larger tanks and where I need stronger flow and sponges for smaller (breeding) tanks where I want less flow.

Mechanical filtering is also less important for me as all my tanks are planted and have a substrate.

I haven't had any issues with my marineland penguin HOB starting up after being unplugged. don't need to prime it at all, it just complains for a couple seconds, then away it goes. will be discussing all the points made here with the wife.

I'm sure that, since we both seem to have caught aquarium fever, we're going to end up with a larger tank at some point (I kinda want to try setting up something betwen 50-100 gallons, but I'm sure if my super saw that, she'd freak since I'm on the third floor lol) but eventually we'll have a place more suitable, especially if I manage to pull the same grades this year as last year. *crossing fingers for actually landing a job after college that is NOT a mcjob*


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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Biulu Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:21 pm

What size tank are you talking about now?

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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Ursinos Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:27 pm

The tank we actually have set up right now is a 20gal high. We have an empty 10 gal with no filter for it yet, and wife wants to pick up her OWN 20 or 30.

Lol, I swear, every time I get a hobby, that woman dives right in after me.


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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Biulu Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:34 pm

Ursinos wrote:The tank we actually have set up right now is a 20gal high.  We have an empty 10 gal with no filter for it yet, and wife wants to pick up her OWN 20 or 30.

Lol, I swear, every time I get a hobby, that woman dives right in after me.

Lucky you! I'd suggest you to have a look at a 20 gallon long if you are choosing a 20. It has a nice foot print and is ideal for a 'river bank' theme.

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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Ursinos Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:40 pm

Our problem is space limitations. We don't have a lot of places to put long aquariums without them being in full sun


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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Biulu Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:49 pm

Then you save money on the light LOL. I am maintaining a 29 gallon tank in an office that sits right next to a window. It is a planted tank and I endure the bulb is never turned on. The tank doesn't have any algae issues unless I haven't been able to do a water change for several weeks

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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by alexmtl Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:01 pm

I am a believer in air driven undergravel filters. Seriously, now after you finish laughing, these plates are most likely difficult to find. They have their plus and minus but in general they have fallen out of disuse in favour of HOBs, canisters and sponge filters.

I have HOBs and quite a few of them. I double up the filtration with sponge filters in case of HOB failure which happens often, in my case with power failures they do not reset properly or the motor burns out. The components to make them are pretty cheap so I expect the failure. The current can be strong and I like them because you can clean the floss (I do not use the cartridges).

Canister filters I rarely use but I can see them as a great system for larger tanks and display aquariums because the unit can be hidden under the tank or in a cabinet. The hoses can be hidden as well. I had used diatoms (Vertex) and I love them but then again this probably does not count.

For small tanks, 20g and less I like HOBs. For nano tanks (up to 10g) I like air driven sponge filters. If I had a display tank and 40g and beyond I would consider the canister. Then again, I am still pining over the under gravel plates...
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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Ursinos Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:33 am

Biulu wrote:Then you save money on the light LOL. I am maintaining a 29 gallon tank in an office that sits right next to a window. It is a planted tank and I endure the bulb is never turned on. The tank doesn't have any algae issues unless I haven't been able to do a water change for several weeks

Everything I keep reading says avoid putting your aquarium near direct sunlight. hmmmm


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Question:  HOB filter vs Canister Filter Empty Re: Question: HOB filter vs Canister Filter

Post by Suprd71 Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:29 am

For a 20 something tank I would go hob. Aquaclear or Fluval C series. An Aquaclear will reprime and start itself with power down.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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