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Aquarium Magazines

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Aquarium Magazines Empty Aquarium Magazines

Post by vince0 Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:03 am

Hello Folks,

I just registered for two years of Amazonas Magazine and thought I would see who else has magazine subscriptions. I love reading about the various species mentioned in the articles by worldly authors. For the last two years, I have had a TFH subscriptions and I think i may let it run out this year. I have had issues with their customer service and the amount of adds inside really takes away from the material. Thanks to the split between fresh water and salt, sometimes doesnt leave much interesting material within the pages.

Is there any other magazines I should know about or any other sites people follow to stay on the cutting edge of fish keeping?

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Aquarium Magazines Empty Re: Aquarium Magazines

Post by alexmtl Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:53 pm

Hi Vince
I am interested in seeing what other magazines the forum members enjoy. I recently joined the American Livebearer Association (ALA) and I am curious to see what will be deliverd in their bi-monthly newsletter and convention trader. The website forum is certainly not as active as CA, so I am looking forward to forum members feedback on this topic. Thanks for posting Vince
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Aquarium Magazines Empty Re: Aquarium Magazines

Post by vince0 Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:24 pm

I am curious about the fish specific club publications, and have entertained joining the aka, ala and aca just for their magazines lol.

Let me know what you think of their publications.

As for amazonas, I did download the pdf version of the original vesion in german (which I couldn't read) and later in english when they translated. The publciation and subject matter has so far been very thorough and interesting. Less mainstreem than TFH tries to be.

I've ordered every back issue as well as a 2 year subscription, the customer service so far (1 issue showed back ordered) has been outstanding and I'm overall very impressed.
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Aquarium Magazines Empty Re: Aquarium Magazines

Post by alexmtl Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:31 pm

OK Vince. I just joined recently and you can also check out a sample newsletter on the website, livebearers.org. I will post when I receive the publication.
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Aquarium Magazines Empty Re: Aquarium Magazines

Post by GaryE Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:51 pm

The club magazines are uneven. It depends on who is editing and their approach. I get the AKA bulletin, which is small, but good. I also subscribe to Cichlid News - a consistently good small magazine. I keep meaning to get Amazonas.
I haven't been a regular TFH reader for a couple of years now. I should subscribe to it as well.

I have a bookshelf under my six foot tank, from one end to the other of old aquarium mags. I subscribed to TFH for years before I worked with them for 8 years, so that's a pile of now old magazines to cart around every time I move.
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Aquarium Magazines Empty Re: Aquarium Magazines

Post by Very Scalare Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:05 pm

I receive TFH and Amazonas. One other one I really like is Practical Fishkeeping. Sadly I let my subscription slide and haven't been receiving it for awhile. Sad

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