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Gel-like substances on water surface

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Gel-like substances on water surface Empty Gel-like substances on water surface

Post by Shell Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:18 pm

We have seen a oily-like form of surface scum before in some of our tanks and, just adding some extra movement (sponge filter or bubbler) always got rid of it.

Lately, in Chevy's tank (beta fish, 10g tank), there has been more of a gel-like substance forming at the top, as opposed to "oily". 

We just added an extra bubbler for movement, but where this is more of a gel, I thought I had better throw this out there...just in case we are missing something.

Hopefully adding the bubbler will do the trick - but, let me know if there might be another possible cause, other than lack of agitation...

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Gel-like substances on water surface Empty Re: Gel-like substances on water surface

Post by GaryE Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:02 pm

It's probably biofilm - a living visitor I've kicked out by water changes. It's an oddball life form in the tank, but harmless.
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Gel-like substances on water surface Empty Re: Gel-like substances on water surface

Post by CAAIndie Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:41 am

I agree. I've seen it a couple times on my tank, and water changes have taken care of it.

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Gel-like substances on water surface Empty Re: Gel-like substances on water surface

Post by Shell Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:40 pm

Great - thanks guys! So far so good....we have done a few extra WCs, left the extra bubbler in, and it looks like it is gone - hopefully for good!
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Gel-like substances on water surface Empty Re: Gel-like substances on water surface

Post by GaryE Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:43 pm

It's nothing to worry about - a colony of bacteria that are neither good nor bad for the tank, as far as anyone can tell. If you change the conditions, it breaks up its colony and goes back into the background.
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Gel-like substances on water surface Empty Re: Gel-like substances on water surface

Post by Shell Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:04 pm

GaryE wrote:It's nothing to worry about - a colony of bacteria that are neither good nor bad for the tank, as far as anyone can tell. If you change the conditions, it breaks up its colony and goes back into the background.

Thanks - much appreciated (you obviously know how much I worry by now!). Everything still looks good in his tank - no signs of the gel-like intruder!
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