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The impending upgrade : Advice is nice

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The impending upgrade : Advice is nice Empty The impending upgrade : Advice is nice

Post by Rodda Prime Sun May 31, 2015 3:21 pm

So! Tuesday is the Day im going out to get the 10 gallon tank, I'm going to get a Marina 10 kit cause i discovered if you take apart the marina s10 filter the submersible motor makes a dandy sponge filter minus air pump, just stick a sponge over the intake and a spray bar for the out and done! neato!

Now Since the tank will be completely new, im going to use my Aquaclear 20 filter, which has used media in it, and then transfer all the inhabitants from the planted snail jar and its perfectly gunky goodness gravel to put in the new tank to start the bacteria

You think theres going to be any issues?, the Tanks inhabitants are gonna be the endlers , both genders now but the females are getting their own tank in another 2 weeks, my remaining CPO, clamps, but i do plan to get another CPO and one of my nerites, all the java fern is going in, most of the water sprite, and whats left of the floating fern which the snails have been eating

what do you think? old gravel+ old media + plants , do you still think i might need to cycle? is it a good idea to put everyone in right away?
Rodda Prime
Rodda Prime
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Join date : 2015-03-01
Location : Burlington, ON


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The impending upgrade : Advice is nice Empty Re: The impending upgrade : Advice is nice

Post by Suprd71 Sun May 31, 2015 3:37 pm

Your existing established filter has all you need. Gravel holds nothing of importance, give that a good clean. With an established filter you can add fish to a new setup right away.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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The impending upgrade : Advice is nice Empty Re: The impending upgrade : Advice is nice

Post by GaryE Sun May 31, 2015 8:43 pm

I agree with Suprd71. You don't have to worry about cycling a tank. Cycle the filter, and everything else will follow. I have put established filters on brand new tanks, and never had a moment's worry, or any problem.
Put a brand new filter on an old established tank, and you will have problems though.
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