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Rarest Fish

dany s.
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Rarest Fish Empty Rarest Fish

Post by CAAIndie Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:30 am

What is the rarest fish you have ever found in your local fish store? Was it something you ended up keeping after finding it? What about rare fish found in local auctions?

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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Sbenson11 Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:54 am

Nothing and I mean nothing, that would interest me anyway. Even for those interested in tropical fish, there is not much other then the same old, same old around here.


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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by l_l_l Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:00 am

Rarest fish I've seen is an l046 zebra pleco, but that's not quite as rare as it is expensive.

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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by dany s. Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:05 pm

3-4 inches young Goliath tigerfish!!!!
Of course I didn't buy this monster!!
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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Shell Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:33 pm

Perhaps not rare, so to speak, but definitely rare to see here at a local shop - an Asian arowana, can't recall the exact species - red tailed I believe? He was very cool and super expensive (about $1500).
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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Biulu Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:54 pm

For me, definitively these small snakehead species that I got to see in the Netherlands last year. The fire and ice on the picture bar on the right is only one of them

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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Fores41 Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:04 am

The Rarest thing I have seen locally is a Saber tooth from the Amazon and the LFS has a new addition just can't remember what it is will add the name later when I visit to get the name.
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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Biulu Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:31 am

Fores41 wrote:The Rarest thing I have seen locally is a Saber tooth from the Amazon and the LFS has a new addition just can't remember what it is will add the name later when I visit to get the name.

I had to google this one as the only association I have with Saber tooth is a tiger....
Turns out there are several fish both fresh and salt water that are called saber tooths. Do you remember which variety it was?

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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Fores41 Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:40 pm

It was a Dog tooth Tetra that was brought in for some one who backed out of the sale and I think the Latin name Hydrolycus Scomberoides and the other fish are Datanoids and I see they are not rare in the aquarium trade just around here. I do not think the Tetras are rare either just have a very large tank to house them like 300 to 1000 gallon if you want to have happy fish. I will stick to my small fish.
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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Suprd71 Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:56 am

Fores41 wrote:It was a Dog tooth Tetra that was brought in for some one who backed out of the sale and I think the Latin name Hydrolycus Scomberoides  and the other fish are Datanoids and I see they are not rare in the aquarium trade just around here. I do not think the Tetras are rare either just have a very large tank to house them like 300 to 1000 gallon if you want to have happy fish. I will stick to my small fish.
Imo Payara are not aquarium fish, at least not hobby fish. Datnoids on the other hand are really nice, easy to care for. Curious... where did you see these fish?
Angel Fish
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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Fores41 Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:03 pm

In the LFS the owner has a supplier in Vancouver who can get weird fish for him after looking them up Payara may not be the right species but they looked exactly like that and I was told they would get about 24 inches long when full grown or longer.
I agree not your ordinary aquarium fish you would think of they are too big of a brutes for any of my tanks they would do better in a City aquarium that has 10,000 gallon tanks or bigger. The LFS guy said he had lost a fish supplier maybe that was the reason why if they were getting fish they should not have.
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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by Biulu Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:55 pm

Datnoids are very popular in Asia: almost every store that respects itself carries them.

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Rarest Fish Empty Re: Rarest Fish

Post by francois Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:57 pm

Vampire tetra is seldom seen in Montreal but that's near a shame as almost no one has a tank for such large or fast moving fishes.
What about those tetra:
Leptagoniates pi
Pseudochalceus kyburzi
Vivipares like:
Characodon, Girardinichthys, etc...


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