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Suggestions needed

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Suggestions needed Empty Suggestions needed

Post by Biulu Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:35 pm

I hope to be setting up a new tank soon; it is a 80 gallon which I got for my birthday. Very excited, as it is the largest tank I have ever owned!

It has a length of 120 cm or 4 foot as most of you would say. It will be planted and temperatures in the tank go up to 28-29 degrees mid summer.

I am looking for a midsized, colourful fish that would be able to withstand these conditions and not eat my plants.

Anybody any suggestions?

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Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Suggestions needed Empty Re: Suggestions needed

Post by CAAIndie Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:54 pm

Super excited to hear this Biulu. Sounds like a great tank!

I'll brainstorm some ideas! Your water is quite soft too correct?

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Suggestions needed Empty Re: Suggestions needed

Post by Shell Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:05 pm

Congrats on the new tank! I can't wait to hear other's suggestions and see your final decision! Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that most of our fish tend to thrive in 'cooler' temps (I.e. no heater)! I can say with confidence that our tank with khuli loaches, zebra loaches, and an angel fish has done very well with a heater (set at about 76). I am excited to see the progression of your new tank!!
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Suggestions needed Empty Re: Suggestions needed

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:47 pm


Let me think,

Sorry I got nothing Smile

Congratulations on the new tank.


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Suggestions needed Empty Re: Suggestions needed

Post by alexmtl Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:59 pm

Biulu wrote:I hope to be setting up a new tank soon; it is a 80 gallon which I got for my birthday.

Well Happy Birthday !

80 gallon would have been my choice for a pair of angels and some south american apistos. I can picture some jungle vals and large echinos in the tank. That would be my wish for an amazon biotope tank.
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Suggestions needed Empty Re: Suggestions needed

Post by Biulu Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:15 pm

alexmtl wrote:
Well Happy Birthday !

80 gallon would have been my choice for a pair of angels and some south american apistos. I can picture some jungle vals and large echinos in the tank. That would be my wish for an amazon biotope tank.

It was last year's birthday; some things take longer to materialise.... Laughing

You are close on the south americans... However, ever since my time in Mexico I have wanted to keep German blue rams. Almost impossible there with the hardness of the water, plus they never imported females.... So, there will be definitively be some rams in this tank!

Plus thinking about a 20+ shoal of C. habrosus. I think it will look awesome to have a large group of these small cories swimming around.

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Suggestions needed Empty Re: Suggestions needed

Post by l_l_l Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:18 am

A very large school of c habrosus would defenitely be awesome.

I'm reorganizing my tank right now, preparing for a move this july,
Here is what I will be keeping:

Large school of rummynose tetras,
Large school of tetra carnialis,
4 bolivian Rams
5 angels,
Kuhli Loaches,
Various Fancy Lori Cats,
Shrimp and Snails.

Nothing too fancy I guess..

If I had another tank and colder temperature in the summer, I'd probably get a large school of corydora pantanalensis and a large shoal of M. Boesmani, two of my "holy grails".

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