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safe supporting surface for aquarium?

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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by cephalotus Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:32 pm

We recently bought a 3 ft long tank off kijiji. The stand we have been using for our previous 20 gal is 32" wide. Is it safe to put the 36" long tank on this stand and allow the sides to hang off 2" on each end if the front and back edges are fully supported? Or will the weight of the water cause strain and potential failure of the tank? Should my next project at my parents' place be to cut a bigger board to lie on top of the stand and provide a larger surface? Or would that still be inadequate for supporting the tank?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by hello_rockview12 Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:28 pm

Personally, I would put a board the size of the tank's base or just a tiny bit larger on top of the stand and set the tank on top of that. It's just good practice.

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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by GaryE Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:40 pm

Agreed. I did something like that the other day, but with a piece of 5/8 plywood under the tank.
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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by Starfish Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:49 pm

My 29g sits on a table that is 6" too narrow. So my tank would hang 3" off each end. My hubby cut a board 2" wider than the tank which we attached to the top of the table. So the board actually sticks out 4" on either side of the table and tank sits on top. It is very sturdy with no problems at all. We checked with the owner of the nearest LFS. Rather than trying to sell me a new stand, he told us that it would be perfectly safe, and it is.
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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by Bina Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:31 am

I would not feel safe with a large tank hanging off the table edges with no support.
My (carpenter) Dad always recommends a base of 5/8" thick plywood for strength.

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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by mikebike Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:27 am

I like to use 3/4" plywood for my stand tops.

I have a Home Depot close by and they will make 2 cuts for free and offten have plywood cut into 2ft X 4ft pieces availible.
I come from a contruction background and use 2/4" Form ply/paper finish with no vioids in it.

Do NOT use paticle board or OSB they will become unglued with moisture.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by cephalotus Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:58 pm

Very strong consensus! Thanks for your input everyone. I will ask my dad to cut me a piece out of nice/matching wood. The stand is unfinished pine I believe. Will definitely stay away from the particle board. Mike thanks for letting me know that home depot will make cuts for you! I didn't know. if I were in a hurry to set up the tank that is a great option for me. My parents live 2 hrs away so sometimes it takes a while to receive my "order" from them Wink
Angel Fish
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safe supporting surface for aquarium? Empty Re: safe supporting surface for aquarium?

Post by Rick L Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:44 am

whenever we had a fish room I would always put styrofoam under the tanks as well ... it was cheap and it allowed for a tank to settle properly in case of crooked floors or wooden stands that could warp. just saying
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Rick L

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