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Aquarium Fish Question

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Aquarium Fish Question Empty Aquarium Fish Question

Post by laurieisen Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:09 pm

I am relatively new to the aquarium scene and looking to branch out. Been doing a lot of reading on US aquarium sites. I had a question what are the rules regarding Channel Catfish, Golden Orfe, Bowfin, Tench ect. Are we allowed to keep them at all or are they not permitted? If permitted do you guys know some fish stores which sell them? Preferably one in Eastern Canada?

Fish Fry
Fish Fry

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Aquarium Fish Question Empty Re: Aquarium Fish Question

Post by alexmtl Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:20 pm

Hi Laurieisen,

Welcome to the forum. In general native Canadian fish may be subject to provincial angling laws in which case you are not permitted to keep the fish in an aquarium. If you have transferred a fish from one body of water to another, this is a clear prohibition with sport fish and other restricted species. You will need to consult with both provincial and federal websites to determine the feasibility of keeping any species in a freshwater tank. You may not release it back into the wild once it has been in captivity.

While it may seem hard to understand the reason why these rules exist, it is based upon years of study in order to protect Canada's natural populations as well as sport fish managed populations.

What is important is that it is up to the individual to seek out the permissibility of the species. The onus is up to you, therefore to be informed and do your research.

The link to an earlier topic can be found here

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Aquarium Fish Question Empty Re: Aquarium Fish Question

Post by laurieisen Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:53 pm

Tench and Orfe aren't native to anywhere in Canada, they are from Europe/Asia. Channel catfish and Bowfin certain parts. I think it is illegal to collect most any fish from the wild for an Aquarium. Wasn't asking about wild collection I was just wondering if it is illegal to keep these fish period, or are they sold in some pet stores in Canada meaning that you were allowed to legally buy them from said store and keep them in a tank? For example when it comes to channel catfish in captivity there are albinos and a fancy blue strain so i was wondering if you could buy those in Canada and keep them in an Aquarium? Some of these fish are raised specifically in captivity for the pet trade. Are there specific laws regarding exotic pets saying you can't buy these fish from a pet store or exotic wildlife raiser and keep them in a tank?

Fish Fry
Fish Fry

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Aquarium Fish Question Empty Re: Aquarium Fish Question

Post by GaryE Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:15 am

To my knowledge, it will vary province to province. I doubt you would find a good pet store ready to sell channel cats - they outgrow everything but flooded houses. But you could probably find some unscrupulous person somewhere who would sell them.
Tench is, I believe , illegal. Some idiot smuggled them into Quebec and then released them, so we have a problem with them here. I would expect orfe to be restricted - I would hope so. Unfortunately, you can't plan on the intelligence of fishkeepers, and things get released. That one shouldn't, and I doubt it would be available. I have never seen a reference to it.
Bowfins would be illegal, as game fish.
I checked the legality of keeping some Canadian killies last year, as as long as I stayed true to the honour system of once caught, never released, I was allowed.

What is your interest in such (generally) enormous, ecologically dangerous and inappropriate for the aquarium fish?
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