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Sound like a deal?

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Sound like a deal? Empty Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:39 am

I am not in need of ALL that is included in this ad but am wondering if anyone else thinks it is a deal? I think it is...especially the test kits. I am in need of a test kit. I could use a couple of the decorations not only for my 10g tank that is set up but also in my 20g "terrarium" tank as well as a background. I don't have a fish net. The spare bulbs would come in handy. So does anyone else think this is a deal? I have to wait until the 20th and the ad was posted for $65 a week or so ago. It may stay and price may drop or maybe I could offer the original price of $65 if they would hold until the 20th?!?! Hmmm...what do others think?? Sorry I have been posting SO MUCH! lol
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by guppyguy Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:04 pm

I would say yes that is good deal. The test kit alone is $25 to $30 new. If you added up all the money in products that your getting there it is a great deal. Just make sure the fish food is not expired if you choose to use it. Besides that go for it.

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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:37 pm

I knew about the test kit prices which is why I was quite interested in it! The big one in the pic I have priced at PetSmart and they are $35-$40 kits alone. I didn't get one as they were out of stock when I was looking! lol I think I will msg them and ask them to hold for me until the 20th and I will give them the $65 that they were asking a week or so ago Smile
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by Shell Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:56 pm

Hopefully they will hold on to all of that stuff for you, if you will use it all, it sounds like a good deal, for sure!

On a different note, we won a bottle of ammonia testing solution through a raffle at a local community get-together. It has never been opened, and we already have one here that we rarely use unless starting up a new tank, or if things look off in an existing tank. I can't imagine postage would be too awful expensive from NS to NB? If things don't fall through with your kijiji deal, I could send it to you. We also have an extra bottle of nitrite and ph testing solution here (both used, but lots left and no where near close to expiry), which I could send out to you if this deal doesn't fall through.

I had posted all three bottles on kijiji here, but no takers, which I thought was odd as I posted them for free, as long as they picked it up from my house! No takers though!

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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:02 pm

She will hold for me!! I offered her $65 which was the original posting price and still a good deal as I have noticed that decorations are expensive! Also it will give me an extra filter in case I decide to go with turtles in the empty tank...since I could just store the screen lid in a closet. So the 20th I add to my collection of supplies and begin live aquarium plants...I enjoy having something other than the human babies around...at least fur and water babies don't talk back! lol
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by Shell Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:12 pm

JanesAddiction wrote:She will hold for me!! I offered her $65 which was the original posting price and still a good deal as I have noticed that decorations are expensive! Also it will give me an extra filter in case I decide to go with turtles in the empty tank...since I could just store the screen lid in a closet. So the 20th I add to my collection of supplies and begin live aquarium plants...I enjoy having something other than the human babies around...at least fur and water babies don't talk back! lol

Congrats! Always fun to get a bunch of goodies at a good deal! cheers
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:16 pm

Of course! Whatever I don't use, I think I may post on kijiji and find someone young that's looking to get into the hobby and PIF it to them Smile
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:20 pm

So after replying I went to the top and was just sitting there staring at my screen listening to my little humans fight about who is going to clean what...and I decided to click on one of the ads...well...just below that was an ad for "theplantguy" whom I was going to check out earlier while I was reading some threads about plants but when I opened google the little humans began fighting so when I came back from refereeing I had totally forgotten what I had planned to search for. Usually I hate ads but I was so happy to see that one! Had to share lol I don't get out much!
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by CAAIndie Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:45 pm

Always very exciting to plan a new tank.

One thing I would note, is that a 20 gallon is not really a big enough size for turtles. They are also something not rushed into quickly, they are plenty of work, and are a long term commitment. Depending on the species, they can live 20 to 50+ years! A few of our members (@Sbenson11) keep turtles, and I am also very fond of them, they are just a big decision. Smile

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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:59 pm

I am leaning more towards Hermit Crabs...I posted another thread somewhere about empty tank...prob a link from my profile or something...anyway I was considering frogs, turtles, lizards, and crabs...I think that was all I was considering...The tank I have which I still need to confirm size of (I thought it was a 20g but think it may only be a 10g) has a screen cover for it so it is more of a terrarium than an aquarium (in my mind anyway) so I kinda leaned away from frogs and turtles as the screen would not lock on with a filter in there. The lizards...well...they eat "gut loaded" insects and I only travel twice a month and fear I would not be able to keep the insects long enough to feed between trips. So...that leaves me looking at Hermies...I have an under tank heater coming...by the end of this month (ordered from China for less than $7 shipped!) but there is still lots more that I need to pick up cause I don't want to keep my Hermies in an unequipped habitat as the lps does.
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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by Sbenson11 Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:27 pm

Turtles can be a very rewarding pet, however not one jumped into lightly. We have 4 Red Eared Sliders and really enjoy them. They are a very long term pet, living 40ish years. They start out small but before long they are the size of a dinner plate and in need of a big enclosure. We have an indoor enclosure built around a 75G Rubbermaid tank surrounded by a sandy beach and waterfall, they love it. During the summer they spend most of there time in a pond in the backyard, when we are home that is, the neighbor kids have been an issue.


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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by CAAIndie Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:11 pm

What happened Steve?

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Sound like a deal? Empty Re: Sound like a deal?

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:40 pm

Yeah they are cute but I don't think I wanna take them on...maybe after I buy a bigger home but not where I am lol Pretty sure my heart is set on Hermie's lol
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