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Community tank suggestions?

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Community tank suggestions? Empty Community tank suggestions?

Post by l_l_l Thu Jun 19, 2014 11:23 am

Hi there!
I am presently planning on trading my pearl gourami in for some store credit.

Once again, here is my stocking:
3 Peacock Gudgeons
5 Amano Shrimp
4 Nerite snails
a dozen of pygmy cories
a dozen of Celestial Pearl Danios
and a dozen of Rummynose Tetras.

I am looking at Bolivian Rams as they would add a nice splash of color, but I'm worried about them being in the lower half of the tank, leaving the top empty.

I thought of Marbled Hatchet fish for the top part of the tank, but I am not very familiar with them and don't see much to them..

I'm also thinking of adding a school of something.. Not sure what,

Maybe going to try a betta sorority?

What are your guys thoughts?


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Join date : 2014-03-08
Location : Montreal, QC


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Community tank suggestions? Empty Re: Community tank suggestions?

Post by CAAIndie Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:03 pm

I agree that some sort of nice centerpiece fish would be great. I'll think on it for the afternoon. I can say I've enjoyed rams (I still have a german blue ram, but would suggest bolivians far before the blue rams).

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Community tank suggestions? Empty Re: Community tank suggestions?

Post by guppyguy Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:11 pm

If you go with Marbled hatchets they are great fish and very peaceful. They spend a lot of there time at the surface. Nearly all of them are wild caught and I found I had to teach mine to eat flake and frozen foods as there used to jumping out of the water or skimming the surface to catch insects.  Cool

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Community tank suggestions? Empty Re: Community tank suggestions?

Post by Biulu Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:27 pm

With your current stocking you will want something peaceful. I wouldn't add anything to the bottom because of the gudgeons.

Apart from the hatchets which are nice, what about a pseudomugil species? Same size as your other fish, come in nice colours and are top dwellers.

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Community tank suggestions? Empty Re: Community tank suggestions?

Post by l_l_l Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:31 am

Oh wow, haven't thought of that.
I was looking at rainbows but didn't think of Pseudomugils..
I spotted the Pseudomugil Gertrudae ARU ii and they look so beautiful,
I'm reading about them tho and seems they would be fine for my aquarium and add exactly the splash of color I'm looking for..

Maybe someone on here breeds them? Smile

Posts : 1465
Join date : 2014-03-08
Location : Montreal, QC


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