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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Mr. Mom
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by Mr. Mom Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:43 pm

A while back, it was suggested to me by some other fish keepers to maybe try Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) in one of my tanks. Needless to say I've spent well over a year trying to find someone local who'll sell them. Well this past Saturday, I finally found an LFS who started ordering them for his own personal shrimp tanks and is bringing in extras for sale in his shop. So I picked up some and added them into 3 of my tanks yesterday (Sunday).

Been doing lots of reading on them, with lots of claims of added benefits to a persons tank. It seems the majority of references to them regard their usage with Betta's during breeding, as well as Shrimp tanks. The last reference I'm finding (out of the top 3) is in a Black Water Biotope, which is partially the reason I've been looking for them.

Couldn't find much scientific info for IAL on the web, as no true studies were ever conducted it seems. But maybe someone here may have done their only little test with IAL ... maybe????

I've found some great articles explaining the different compounds contained within IAL, and how they're supposed to do this and that to the aquarium. But to be honest .... I FAILED BIOLOGY way back when.  So I guess I'm more curious if anyone around here personally uses IAL or the extract of it.

Personally I enjoy the pee color that's created from the tannis properties, which prompted me to add the IAL to 3 of our tanks. But it was mainly intended for my Banjo Catfish Tank.

Mr. Mom
Angel Fish
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by sucker4plecos Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:37 pm

Most of us like the "TEA" colour of the tannins.....

I use almond leaves in many of my tanks... with bettas and other anabantids as well as my South American fish like Apistogrammas.... they are said to help lower pH a bit but I don't rely on them for that. They also provide a natural anti-fungal agent so they are good to protect eggs when spawning. I use a mix of leaves that get collected in the fall.... along with the almond leaves I add oak and beech leaves after they dry but before they fall and alder cones are quite useful as well.....
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by Mr. Mom Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:18 pm

So do you use them for just breeding purposes?

There's lots of claims that it'll help induce spawning with Betta's ... have you found this to be true in your experience? ... and if it's true have you seen similarities with your other fish like your Apistogrammas?

I've come across many claims to their benefits, haven't seen any non-benefits other than how they're cared for. So that's why I'm asking for people's personal experiences with them and any proof or dis-proof of the many qualities these leaves are supposed to have.

Mr. Mom
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by sucker4plecos Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:48 pm

Many fish that come from "black water" environments are used to a heavy amount of leaf litter at the bottom of their streams and rivers. I have seen fish use leaves to hide in or help create safe havens for fry. Also, as leaves break down and start to decompose, there are many forms of bacteria and micro organisms that fry can and will use as food.

I remember a story from a fish collector on a trip in South America. He is a well known cory expert and on one of his adventures he was in a beautiful black water stream that was about a foot deep and he decided to try catching some corys that he was watching. Well, he stepped in and went about 3 feet deep into the soft bed of leaf mulch that covered the stream bed. He would have been in serious trouble if he had been alone.
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by mikebike Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:37 pm

I have bannana plants in my yard
in the summer I cut and hang the green leaves to dry.

I used them in my tanks without complications
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by Fores41 Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:45 am

IAL is something I use when I can get it at a good price for my Bettas and have read good things about banana leaves as well and would like to try them as well.I had a chance to buy a Banana plant a couple of years ago and now regret not doing it so I could try them as well.
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by nyleveiam Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:57 am

Interesting I just found this as I ordered IAL yesterday for my Betta who has some funky fins and tail. Can't hurt and might help according to what I read.
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by CAAIndie Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:44 pm

I've read about almond leaves plenty, but where do you get them?

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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by guppyguy Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:01 pm

CanadaquariaAdmin wrote:I've read about almond leaves plenty, but where do you get them?

I get mine from the Shrimp Fever website.  Look under the shrimp section and there on page 10. Sells them as 1 leaf, 5 leaves, 12 leaves and 25 leaves. Cool 

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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by nyleveiam Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:55 pm

I got mine on Ebay. I didn't want to use one of the really far away sites cuz I didn't want to wait forever so I found one with good reviews in the USA. They ship to Canada, also, I believe.
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by sucker4plecos Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:54 pm

I know someone that has a site (Betta Breeders of Canada) that sells them for about .30 each....
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by alexmtl Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:12 pm

sucker4plecos wrote:I know someone that has a site (Betta Breeders of Canada) that sells them for about .30 each....
I have ordered from her as well. It takes a little time but the prices are very inexpensive.
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by jonstreets Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:06 pm

u can order them online from angelfins.ca and maybe shrimpfever.com

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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by l_l_l Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:26 am

I have always wanted to try these in my tanks. I have heard they are very good for fish and will provide a nice tea stained color to the water...
That would do very well in my main tank which is basicaly south american fish only.

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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by alexmtl Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:46 am

Welcome to the forum jonstreets !

How many aquariums do you have running ? Post some pics in the Introductions section and it would be great to hear more about your experiences !
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Indian Almond Leaves (IAL) Empty Re: Indian Almond Leaves (IAL)

Post by Poppy Sun Sep 04, 2016 1:38 pm

I kow this is an older topic, but I just got my husband to order me some IAL. I've been having some issues with my bettas in the last year, meaning I have a ten gallon tank in which 2 bettas died from dropsy. I've had the first betta a little over a year, and the second one for 9 months.

I've then removed the filter media and treated the tank with anti-biotics after the last betta had died. Then I changed the water with untreated tap-water, hoping that the chlorine would kill anything that the antibiotic didn't, anything that was making my bettas sick.

I believe I have a good tank-care regimen with weekly water changes (I used to frequently change 40-50% of the water, now with my new betta I change about 30%),monthly filter media rinse in old tap water....

Sorry for this lengthy background info, all what I was trying to say is, that I am hoping that with the addition of the IAL to my betta's tank I am crossing my fingers, that I can manage to keep this betta alive for more than a year (preferably 2+).

Oh, and yes, before I added my new betta Calvin, I changed the water again and treated it with water conditioner Smile

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